Monday, May 28, 2007


We came to the hospital today with some great expectations. Once again things haven’t gone as we planned. Riley hadn’t been able to regulate his temp. on his own last night and was still under the warmer when we got to Children’s this afternoon. He also had an episode that may possibly have been another seizure this morning, although they are not sure. This means another EEG, this time for a longer period to see if there is any abnormal brain activity. That’ll probably come tomorrow. It’ll be another chance to see Riley do his George Clinton impersonation:

Obviously this was very disappointing for us. We thought our boy was fast tracking out of Children’s but it’s still going to be a bit before he gets to leave.

We had a conference today with the neonatologist, the charge nurse on his case and the nurse on duty. They are fairly certain that the problem was an embolism that caused the stroke. They are planning some blood tests on Riley and both Shelby and I to see if there is any genetic clotting problem. They are probably also going to do another MRI that is weighted more toward seeing what the blood vessels are doing. More tests, more information, and unfortunately more time here. Not by our schedule once again.

The upside of the conference is that the prognosis for Riley is quite good. They told us that an average case like Riley’s would mean another 2-3 weeks here. Not an exciting prospect, but far less than many of the children who are being treated here. The nurse who was on this afternoon told me afterward that the conference was very encouraging and things look really good for Riley. That means a lot coming from a 25-year veteran of NICU (thanks Kim, that meant a lot to us!)

So as I sit here writing and listening to my wife sing hymns to our boy, I’m very hopeful, but maybe just a little more realistic about our timeframe. It looks like things are going well, just not super fast like we wanted. So what else is new? Another lesson in patience. I guess I haven’t learned that one well enough yet. Time to get used to the fact that our boy (and our Lord) are calling the shots, not us. At least I know that God’s plans always work better than mine. It makes it a little easier to wait.

We love our boy!



Unknown said...

Hi Shelby and Jonathan,
We're praying for you all. We can't wait to see Riley in October.


Brian and Sharon

Mariann DuPont said...

Hello Johnathan,

Our prayers are with all of you.

God Bless
Mariann DuPont

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, Shelby and Riley~ We are reading your Blog (thank you for taking the time to keep us informed)with sadness and with hope. We hold all three of you in our hearts and minds with fervent prayers. May God's good Grace keep you strong. Lovingly, Bruce Blanchard & Cynthia Mariano

Tonya C said...

Hi Guys,

A thousand hugs and prayers from Ohio.

Hang in there!


Therese said...

Shelby and Jonathan, this whole place is buzzing with thoughts, prayers and hope. Little Riley is with the best (the hospital and his parents). Keep in mind you have to take care of yourselves too! The hardest lesson a parent can learn!

I've said since my first one was born...what I would give for an owner's manual!! Parenthood isn't a's an ADVENTURE!!

Keep the Faith, Therese and the whole InterGen Family

Kim said...

Kim said...
Just a quick note to tell everyone that reads the Berg Blogger that little Riley is the absolute sweetest!! I have had the pleasure of taking care of this wonderful family and look forward to keeping up with all the updates as he leaves us here at Childrens. I cant wait to see the parents today and fill them in on all the news!. Kim

Lisa said...

We are praying for you.

Lisa, Ken and Cecelia

dananuk said...

Hi Jonathan and Shelby -
I have followed your story and add some prayers of my own. Just like you I had great hopes for the Bradley method, but when we came to the hospital at midnight in 1982, no one has ever heard of it and did it their own way. Also, if it is any consolation, both my kids had newborn problems: My daughter Eva had underdeveloped hips and had to be in a cast for 3 months, my son Andrew had underdeveloped skull (insted of 2 soft spots like all other babies he had them connected like a dog bone). We had to stay in the hospital longer, X-rays, neurology, etc, but both kids turned out heathy and both are now college grads.

I bet Riley will make it, he is in good hands.


P.S. Thank God, I can read Russian. Why is your blog in Russian??