Saturday, May 12, 2007

T minus 12 days and counting…

Riley’s not responding to any of our efforts to coax him out prior to May 24, so looks like I may need to prepare for another week of bed rest. I put out the word at church that I was looking for movies to watch since I made it through the extended versions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy (with 12 add’l hrs of appendices), the 7-volume Pride and Prejudice series plus a few others. I’m hoping that Jonathan will arrive from church tomorrow afternoon with a bunch of new vids from my friend’s libraries in case I’m laid up for another week or more.

I have been happily surprised to find that the adjustment to bed rest is one that I’ve been able to make the most of. Having something interesting to watch definitely helps to make the day go faster. And several friends from church have come by with their little ones which helped break up the monotony of my new daily routine.

The midwives are now seeing me at least twice a week to check my blood pressure and if higher than normal, order additional blood work or urinalysis. So far, everything looks fine and the BP is only high when I haven’t been lying down for a few minutes beforehand. At this point, they’ll let me go to my due date before starting their own inducements. We’re hoping that will be a moot point…

Happy Mother’s Day from the mom-in-waiting,



Robert Talbert said...

Somebody should have given you a Netflix subscription when you were around 25 weeks!

(And FYI, when you decide that Riley is old enough to watch videos, I highly recommend Netflix as your source for kid videos. Kid doesn't like the video you got? No problem, just stick it in the mail and get another.)

Robert Talbert said...

The word "it" in my comment refers to videos, not your kids! Just thought I'd clarify.