Thursday, October 11, 2007

Acadia…pt 2

We hit the park with the Maine cousins for our 8th anniversary trip. We look forward to this every year…the slow pace, beautiful colors, lack of tourists & hiking / biking / kayaking with Jon, Julie & Erica.

I was reflecting on having been here every year since my cousins and I moved to Maine and decided to put together a retrospective of our trips each year:


I didn’t actually go with the cousins that first year, but rather with a church singles group since I was new to town and looking to make friends. I met my friend Cathy (flute player in our wedding) on that trip and started my love affair with Acadia.


I have a distinct memory of 3yr old Erica asleep in the bike seat and head falling forward as we biked downhill. The kid never woke up. I did get one good photo of the Bass Harbor Light:


It was cold that year and Jules and I got up at 5am to catch the “sunrise” on Cadillac Mtn. We couldn’t see much due to the fog. I think with high winds that the wind chill was about 20 below. We left our car just long enough to take a picture and run back.

Thunder Hole was awesome that year…

Erica at Sand Beach


It was particularly warm - 75 at least. I remember it being the first year that I wore shorts and had no need of a coat at the top of the mountain. I caught a blurry pic of the cuzins as well as a shot of our favorite place off-the-beaten-path, Hunter’s Beach.


Jonathan and I met this year and were engaged by the time Oct rolled around, so he’s now in front of the camera and behind it, taking much better pictures than I could.

I like this pic of Jon and Erica a lot:


Our friends Ken & Lisa joined us on this year’s trip; unfortunately for them, it was the cold and rainy all weekend. The waterfalls and rainbows were beautiful, but that was about the only nice thing I could

say about the elements. J and I decided to drive 2.5 hours north to take a picture of the West Quoddy headlight, located in the easternmost point of the US:

Jonathan at the top of Bubble Rock:

Ken, Lisa & Jon:


Back to warm temps, clear skies …



The trip was quite different this year with Riley – didn’t bike, kayak or do as many hikes, but did just about every other thing we enjoy. But we have so much fun with him, it really didn’t matter. Working outside of the home makes both of us appreciate spending a whole day with our boy even more.

The weather was great on Friday through Sunday so we walked the shore path, had tea & popovers at Jordans Pond House, ate b’fast at Café This Way (a cool, artistic, restaurant that doesn’t skimp on quality simply because it’s located in a tourist destination), took Riley on his first hike and walked the carriage trails with my cousins and my aunt & uncle who joined us this year.

along the shore path

enjoying his bumbo seat

On the lawn at Jordan Pond House

Lunch in the cabin

mama and boy

Getting to know great-aunt Marilyn

Hangin' with Cousin Erica

Family shot at Hunter's Beach

We had a great time. I'm looking forward to next year when we can bring the bike trailer and Kelty backpak carrier and do even more with Riley-boy.


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