Friday, October 19, 2007

Riley is (almost) five months old!

Riley will be five months on Tuesday, 23rd and since we’re heading to the west coast in the morning, we thought we’d get this one up before we left. He is taller than his pooh-bear now and looking more mature, especially when you compare this photo to last month's photo. This time around, taking his picture was much easier as he didn't fall over or slide down, necessitating multiple shots to get it right.

He's modeling his new “2007 Drool Sessions” shirt with the rock & roll drums-

This was him at four months...what a difference!

So, here’s the run-down:

Ø *He’s 26 in tall and 14 lb 12 oz. Our efforts to put more weight on him are paying off. He’s eating between 30-35 ounces a day with about ½ of that from formula. And, we're using more Oxi-clean on his clothes, if ya know what I mean. Blowouts were rare before formula -- now they're a weekly occurance. On a sad note, my milk supplies are diminishing by the week, so I suspect I’ll involuntarily have him weaned by 6 months. I’ve done all the things that you’re supposed to do to increase your supply, but my bod is just not responding. So, while I’m disappointed, I’m accepting what I can’t change.

He’s started tasting solids, so far he’s tried yogurt, carrots, brussel sprouts, applesauce, sweet potato and pear. I think he’ll do just fine when we go full speed ahead around Thanksgiving.

Ø *He still sleeps well from 7p to 6a, but we’ve had issues with him waking up about 30-60 min earlier in the morning. It's off and on. Putting him to bed earlier or later didn’t make a difference; I think he just doesn’t know how to soothe himself back to sleep, so we have to help him from time to time. This week was great – if he woke up, he just laid in there until I came in to get him. Here’s hoping that continues…

His daytime sleep is organized into two naps – one at 7:30 that lasts for about 90 min and another at noon that lasts for about 2 hours.

Ø He talks all the time now… We’ve been trying to catch it on video, but he gets distracted by the camera and stares at it. No wonder he’s outgoing, with J and I as parents. No reserved folks in this house, that’s for sure.

Ø His favorite game is “munch my belly and make me laugh”. The kid practically goes into convulsions when we do this. The neck is a good spot as well. We’ll try and get video of this one of these days. We're having “issues” with the video program for our handycam. Another move guaranteed to get him smiling is swaying your head right and left as you talk, sing or make funny noises. He loves it.

Ø He’s had a cold and possibly conjunctivitis now that he’s getting exposed to all those daycare germs. He takes it like a man and based on his mood, you’d never even know he was sick. Acts like his normal, happy self, just a little snottier…

Ø He still doesn’t like tummy time, but he can do it for longer periods now (meaning, more than 5 minutes). He prefers to play on the boppy, play in his jumper or stand on our laps. Who knows, he may be one of those kids that skips the crawling stage and goes straight to walking. He also loves to be outside; whether he’s in the stroller or the baby bjorn, he’s extra happy.

Ø He got his first haircut a couple of weeks back -- the back side needed a little trimming. We'll see if he has the fast-growing hair mama has.

Ø He’s got a favorite blankie now… a small white one I received from my best friend Kathy which was handmade in Berea, KY (lots of appalachian folk art there). It’s the perfect size and weight for sleeptime. Once I put it on him he either a) grabs it and pulls it up to his face or b) rolls over to his side, puts his fingers in his mouth and goes to sleep. Thanks Kath!

It’s getting harder to imagine life without Riley, it just seems like he’s always been here. Though it’s hard to juggle everything with work, family, home, church, etc…we wouldn’t trade this wonderful, crazy life for anything.


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