Tuesday, January 1, 2008

progress report

I noted in Riley’s 6-month blog that we were focusing our efforts to getting him to sit unassisted as he’s lagging behind in this area. We’ve been giving him daily opportunities to be on his tummy and sit up with the Boppy and we’ve been noticing steady improvement each week.

As of about a week ago, he doesn’t use the Boppy anymore and while he still uses his hands to balance himself, he doesn’t use them a lot and he’s keeping himself up at a 70-80 degree angle now. So, I think we’re within a week or two at most of having officially reached this milestone. Which is all I care about since the rest of the gross motor skills will fall into place eventually and I’ll be running all over the house getting him out of places he doesn’t need to be!

Here’s some shots of our good sittin’ boy:

Happy New Year!



NHhikerman said...

Gotta love the hundreds of milestones and "firsts." Praying for you guys! Let me know when you want to come riding in VT!

-Jon Ayers

The Bergs said...

Two words...Kingdom Trails. If you were snow free I'd want to come now.

Glad to hear the fever's gone. I hope work is going well up there.

Vermont needs a BOMB group...