Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Riley has a new favorite toy... the famous plastic yellow duck. We received two as gifts and it's the toy that our son prefers to all others. If he starts to act fussy, this toy puts him in a good mood. I admit that I had my doubts that a toy so famous would have this much appeal to Riley -- I guess the classic toys are such for a reason.

He also got what I call a "baby iPod" from my mom for Valentines day...it plays popular kids songs and teaches them numbers, letters, opposites etc. He's figured out the main button that makes the music play and seems to be enjoying it, when he's not gnawing on duckie:

While we were packing last Saturday, I gave him some of our plastic bowls and my little drummer was whacking them with a wooden spoon all afternoon. He didn't like it when J put one on his head however:

He still enjoys his jumper and we recently adjusted the height up a notch to accomodate the extra inches that he's added in the past few months. Notice his left arm about 28 seconds into this video...he looks like such a cool cat:

And this one, just 'cause it's cute...


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