Friday, April 25, 2008

new feats

I guess Riley felt like trying some new things now that he is 11 months old. After a couple of months of crawling, pulling himself up to things and a little cruising, he's beginning to show signs that he's ready to do more.

These things all happened in the last 48 hours:

1) After a walk around the lake, I put Riley in the living room with his toys and he proceeded to go to town. This usually affords me the opportunity to do a household duty or two. So, I get the laundry from upstairs and take it down to the basement. After a couple of minutes I go back up just to make sure Riley's still playing merrily. He was. So I head back down for a couple more minutes to finish up. I get back upstairs and I don't hear a peep. Very unusual for my vocal child. Where do I find him?

He had already crawled up 4 steps by the time I found him. I guess it's time to purchase the gates (sigh).

2) I'm sitting at the computer and Riley's playing on the floor nearby. Suddenly I feel the chair moving backwards -- he's pulling it back all by himself with all 100 plus pounds of mama in it. Granted, it is a hardwood floor, but still, how does he do it?

3) Lastly, it appears that his confidence in walking has increased suddenly. He has one of those walkers that he just plays with the lights and sounds rather than using it to walk with. It rolled too fast for him to control and he just ended up on his knees. He tried it again yesterday -- this time with success! He was pretty pleased with himself.

That's our mobile boy!



Holly said...

as if it weren't before, your life is about to get WAY more fun ;-)

lee lee said...

wow, that walker thing is cool. he's just like a grandma!