Monday, April 21, 2008

patriots day (riley's first post)

Hi everyone. This is Riley. I want to tell you all about the fun day I had. Mama didn't have to go to work because of the Patriot's Day holiday. This holiday is only celebrated in Massachusetts and Maine. Mama wanted to take me to Boston so I will tell you all the things I did.

First, we rode the Commuter Rail from Wakefield to Boston. I liked looking out the window:

I met a girl named Julia on the train. She didn't speak any English because she was from the Netherlands. She was very nice.

In Boston, we got off the train and on to a very crowded trolley. There were a lot of people going to a Red Sox game. I was glad that Mama put my Sox shirt on me today so I could show my team spirit.

We went to the Children's Museum. They have a playspace just for kids my age. First I played with the train set. (Actually, I put the train in my mouth or threw it on the floor).

Then, I played with puzzles -- Well, who are we kidding -- I threw all the pieces on the floor and then proceded to do the same with the puzzle board. It was very fun.

Mama rocked me in a boat:

Then, we found a room that was just for crawlers. I spent the rest of the time there. I climbed up the stairs (for the first time!) to the aquarium. I was a little puzzled though that I couldn't catch the fish in there. They kept swimming away.

I enjoyed kissing myself in the mirror:

This was my was like a waterbed. Mama would make waves and I'd move all around.

The Boston Marathon is on Patriots Day. Mama has run two marathons and likes to cheer the runners as they are near the finish line. She was jealous of the people who got to run today and is trying to figure out how she can run THIS marathon before her body gives out. Maybe I will run a marathon someday....

We had a late lunch at one of mama's favorite restaurants, the Parish Cafe. This place is known for their creative sandwiches which are designed by chefs all around Boston. I ordered avocado slices:

On our way back to the T, we walked through the Public Garden and I hung out with the ducklings.

Since Mama likes the accordion, we stopped to listen to these guys:

By the time we got back home, I was plumb tuckered out. Mama let me nap for about an hour since I missed both of my naps today:

Mama's postscript:
We had a great day "doing" Boston together on this beautiful and sunny day. I was glad that I took the umbrella stroller, which made it so much easier getting around the T since I can lift Riley up and down the stairs in it. Riley-boy was a trooper. We left at 10 and didn't return home until after 5 and he gave me no fuss.

The only thing that would have been better is if Daddy could have come. We look forward to more family days like this during the summer.


1 comment:

The Sherrill Family said...

Hey Shelby - we (were down near Boylston cheering on the runners too. Wish we'd seen you. That would have been fun! Glad it was a great day. - Cat