Wednesday, April 9, 2008

sick boy - again...

Riley is sick again. I knew that it was just too good to be true that our household had been well for a little more than two weeks now. He went off to daycare feeling great this morning but deteriorated as the day went on. He got "scrunchy" as we call it when he's out of sorts.

Shelby is off to see a Red Sox game tonight, so I have boy duty.
When I got home I found outRiley has been running a fever, and he certainly was warm when I was holding him tonight. It seems like he's been sick more than he hasn't. Most of the time it's just a head full of snot and he's his usual cheerful self. Fevers are different though. I understand very well having had one for a few days back in Feb. (while we were moving, of course.) I feel so bad for him as he lays on my shoulder and wimpers. As I said in a much earlier post it's such a helpless feeling as a parent. All I can do is just hold him and give him a little comfort. Hopefully the sicknesses will drop off a bit with the nice weather coming. I'm really sick of my boy feeling like crap so often!

Which leads to another topic. I've heard plenty of parents talk about their kids being sick a lot during the first year of school / daycare. So I guess you could say that in a way I was prepared for this. What nobody said anything about was how often the PARENTS get sick. I've had four colds and the flu and Shelby has had at least five colds since Riley went off to daycare. I guess it's kind of hard to avoid if your sick kid is sticking his fingers in your mouth (or Riley's favorite, his thumb up your nose...) It just seems kind of odd that I've never heard anyone talk about it.

Did you other parents not want to scare anyone else off? Did you want to share the misery?

I hate it.

I love my boy though.

He's totally worth it.


1 comment:

Robert Talbert said...

When Lucy first started daycare (November 2004) she brought home every virus and infection known to man, and probably a few that were not previously known to man, and we were all sick as dogs pretty much from Thanksgiving through Easter. Lucy herself had pneumonia five times and had to go to the ER twice for high fevers -- I mean *really* high, as in 106 + febral seizures.

The upside: After the bugs had their way with us, the three of us had immune systems that were practically bulletproof. Call it natural selection. That doesn't make it suck any less in the meanwhile, though.