Monday, May 5, 2008

first official haircut

I say "official" because I've been whacking at my boy's hair since he was 4 months old. He's got a mop of hair that grows like a weed and I've done my best. Since he's a mere 18 days from his 1st birthday and he's going to see G'ma and G'pa Berg this weekend, I decided to splurge on a professional cut.

We headed out to Snip-Its after work and the lovely lady gave my my boy a cut that makes him look like a man. He sat still for the first few minutes, then I distracted him with bubbles (which he lunged for, not a good idea) and finally was bribed with animal crackers. He got a special certificate for his first cut and daddy got that lock of hair that I forgot to save previously:

I forgot to pick up the camera but they took a Polaroid while Riley was enjoying the last of his cracker:

The before and after shots; wild and happy to short and mellow?

Mama's little man:

I love my handsome boy!



Holly said...

wow! that made him look soooo much older!
(still stinkin' adorable though!)

Lisa said...

so handsome!