Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

We started the weekend celebration of Father's Day with a day trip down CT to spend time with Jonathan's mom and his brother Drew and family. Riley got his first experience in a Uncle Drew's big pool and seemed to enjoy it. We put him in one of those sledding tubes and I put a little water in it so he could splash away.

He had a particular affinity for cousin Daniella's Strawberry Shortcake ball:

While Father's Day has been well celebrated this year, it is mixed with sadness as we miss Jonathan's dad a lot. He was a great grandpa and by all accounts, a wonderful father as well. We honor his memory and thank God for the fine example he left his sons. One of the things that Jonathan shared with his dad is his willingness to be silly with the kids. Like his dad, J's a kid at heart and boy does Riley enjoy playing with him. Here's a very short example of what I'm talking about:

They can go on for hours like this and J doesn't get tired of it. I'm usually the one bringing the fun to an end to change, feed, bathe or put Riley to bed. That's my job!

For J's gift this year, I gave him the attachment to turn the jogging stroller in a biking trailer so that he can take Riley out on rides. We hope to use it next weekend when we go to Maine.

Here he is teething on Daddy's Camelbak (note the left foot--this is something he does a lot, just lifts that leg as he's playing...very cute):

Seeing how Jonathan loves Riley just make me love him more. Thank you honey for being such a great dad. We love you!

And Happy Father's Day to MY dad... You loved us, took good care of us, taught us about Jesus and are a great grandpa to our kids. It's been a joy grow together in our understanding of the gospel these past 10+ years. We're looking forward to seeing you and Mom next month. I can't wait to see Riley riding in your airplane, your four-wheeler and have his first McD's ice cream with Poppa. I love you!


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