Sunday, June 22, 2008

a weekend in maine

It has been many months since we had the opportunity to visit the great state of Maine. The last time we made the trip was on Thanksgiving which we spent with Shelby's cousins Jon, Julie and Erica. We finally got the chance to spend some time with them again this weekend. And a full weekend it was...

On Saturday we took a trip over to Bunganut Lake. Bunganut is a beautiful small lake only about five minutes from Jon & Julie's house. Perfect conditions (temps both in and out of the water were nice) for Riley's first lake swim. Some photos:

Before we got to the lake there were swings...

Erica teaches Riley to High Five

Riley looks comfortable in his special swim float

He's yelling the way he does when he loves something...

Riley and Erica had a great time playing and splashing each other

Mama teaching her boy to swim

Fun in the water for
Mama, Riley and Erica

Mama and Daddy even got in some kayaking

Sunday was a bit more full. We started the day worshiping and visiting with
our friends up at Coastal Community Church in Scarborough. After church we headed to Portland so that Daddy could do something he's been dreaming about...biking with Riley along! For Father's Day Shelby gave me the attachment for our jog stroller that turns it into a bike trailer. Today was the first chance I've gotten to use it.

Biking boys

Action shot

Biking leaves Riley wiped out...

The weekend ended with meeting my college friends for dinner in Portsmouth, NH. We're celebrating 50 this year and it was Michael's turn this time. The next time we get together for a birthday it'll be my 50th. It just doesn't seem possible.

One thing I can tell you though, having a child keeps me thinking young. I still feel 27! Today Riley helped me keep fit so I'll be around for another 50. The family bike ride was one of the most fun things I've done. It was a great workout too (especially on the hills!) Oh, and Riley let out the same yell from the swim picture above every time I got up to 14 mph or more. He loved biking too. Fun, fun fun!

I love pulling my boy around! Step one in my plan to raise a mountain biker...


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