Tuesday, June 10, 2008

pool time

In anticipation of the heat wave that was hitting Boston, I bought my boy a pool for the days that it's too hot to do our walk around the lake. I found a great inflatable pool that has inflatable toys and best of all, an inflatable manta canopy to help protect his fair skin from sun damage.

Did we mention that tooth #6 is coming in? The bottom right side is poking out in addition to the top left canine:

Of course he HAD to throw his toys out of the pool (Jack and Gracie didn't mind throwing them back in again):

Jack was running around the pool shaking his booty and Riley thought that was pretty funny:

After 4 days of 90+ degrees we're looking forward to a some relief over the next few days...yea. This Alaskan doesn't tolerate the extreme heat and humidity very well -- unless she's at the beach. Until we can get to the beach, Riley has his own water to enjoy.

We love our splish-splashy boy!


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