Sunday, July 20, 2008

gramma betsea's

Today, we worshiped with our friends at Hope Church in Newburyport, where J was an active member for many years. Many of our friends had not seen Riley, but had prayed for him while he was in the hospital being treated for seizures. It was great to see them again and Riley enjoyed showing off his new walking skills.

Afterwards, J went to Maine to race go-carts with some of his Hope friends and Riley and I got to spend time with his "other" gramma, Betsy (aka "Betsea"). Betsea is a dear friend of ours who lives on Plum Island and was my roomie when I was dating J and has babysat Riley when daycare was closed. She's got a great little beach house that she shares with her friends and it had been months since we'd be up to visit. We couldn't wait!

With as much as Riley loves to swing, it's no wonder he loved her hammock:

Instead of the ocean, we walked to the basin and Riley taste-tasted the sand while I went kayaking:

Riley's view:

I took Riley for a little spin in the kayak... this will be the next sporting skill he learns after biking:

Jessie's a lucky dog to have her own water chauffeur:

Riley held up with no nap all afternoon...what a trooper. We had a great time and we hope to visit Chateau Betsea again soon!


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