Sunday, July 13, 2008

my trip to alaska (by Riley)

Hi everybody. This is Riley. Mama and Daddy usually do all the writing here. I'm going to do this one though. I want to tell you about the fun trip I took!

Mama and Daddy told me that we were going to see Grammy and Poppa. They live really far away in a place called Alaska. To get there we would get to go on an airplane!

Mama and Daddy told me I've been on an airplane twice before, but I don't remember because I was too small. I knew that this would be really fun though.

First, Mama and I looked out the window. We saw all sorts of interesting new things! There were trucks and planes and a lot of people walking around outside the plane:

Every time the plane went up or down I got to eat! Here I am having a bottle when we left Boston:

When we were in the air there wasn't much to look at outside. But I had toys and books and Mama and Daddy wanted to play with me! Here I am playing:

I love Ducky

I had some of my stacking cups too. Ducky is sitting in one.

I love toys!

We actually got to go on two planes! During the first plane ride they gave us cookies! Here Mama is feeding me my cookie:

During the second plane ride Mama and Daddy wanted me to take a nap. It was just way too exciting for that though! I made sure that they didn't nap either. I didn't want them to miss anything.

Toward the end Daddy read me a book:

I also got to eat one of my favorite snacks...Sushi Nori! (It's toasted seaweed, whatever that means. I love it!)

The plane rides were really fun. I was so excited I couldn't sit still for a moment! We had to get off the plane when we got to Alaska though. It was sad. There were so many people on the plane I hadn't met yet! I couldn't wait to go on a plane again.

Next we got to see Grammy and Poppa. They came with their minivan to get us at the airport. Here I am in the back seat:

We went to their house. I had lots of fun there! The first thing we did was play with toys! They bought me a special truck. Here I am playing on it with Poppa:

I loved the truck. I could sit on it and sometimes push with my feet a little and it had a phone. Sometimes I held on and walked behind it. The best part was that it made a lot of different noises. My favorite was the fire truck siren! All the noises were good though.

Grammy got me a really cool book. It has great big eyes on it that stick out through all the pages! Here's Grammy reading it to me:

Poppa loves blueberries. I do to! He always gave me some when he ate them:

One night some friends of Mama's came over. They had a boy too! His name is Ransom. We played together. It was really fun to pass the truck's phone back and forth. We also played with a ball under the kitchen table:

The next day Poppa took me to McDonald's for ice cream. It was OK (very cold!), but I liked my seaweed better:

When we got home Grammy blew bubbles for me in the kitchen. I love bubbles!

One day we went to a cool place called the Arctic Roadrunner for lunch. I got to eat all kinds of good stuff there. Here I am trying some of Mama's root beer float. I loved it!

One of the best things I got to do in Alaska was to turn lights on and off. I even learned how to say light! Here's a video!

The last day in Alaska was really fun. First we went and watched jets take off near the airport:

Then we went to Grammy and Poppa's church where they have all sorts of fun stuff. First I went on a big slide with Daddy:

It was kind of scary though. Maybe I'll like it more when I'm bigger. Next I got to go on a slide that was more my size:

Then I got to go into rooms where they had all sorts of cool toys. I'd like to go to that church every day!

After I played for a while we had to leave. It was sad, but the best part of the day came next. I got to go see Poppa's plane! Here are some pictures of me in the plane with Poppa:

Next I got to swing. I love the swings! This swing was even more cool because it was at a lake where planes were taking off!

The last new thing I got to do was ride on Poppa's four wheeler. I think I'll like that better when I'm bigger too:

Finally it was time to go back home. We got to go on a plane again though! This time the plane ride started really late at night. Mama said it was 12:50 am. I had some sleep before we left, so I was ready to stay up all night! I love plane rides!

Since I can walk now I played some standing in front of the seats:

The man who worked on the plane said I was so good at flying that I earned my 'wings.' Here's a picture of me wearing them:

Pretty soon the plane was getting ready to land. That means that I got to eat! I had a bottle and some seaweed:

Soon we were back in Boston. Here's a picture of me while we waited for our friend Miss Alicia to pick us up:

Pretty soon we were on our way back to our house. I was pretty tired by now since I didn't sleep much in the plane (it was too exciting!) Daddy took this picture of me when we got back home:

It was a really great trip. I can't wait to go to Alaska and visit Grammy and Poppa again. I hope we go soon!


1 comment:

Mom B said...

Shelby, Jonathan and Riley,
What a lovely story! Thanks for letting us join you through your blog. I loved seeing the pictures of your parents. The years have been kind to them. I will pray for you, as I read through your past posts, and will ask the Lord to show His abundance to you. Remember He tells us that he will repay the years the locasts have eaten! Just keep trusting, and don't give in to fear.
God will provide. He has promised, and his mercies never fail! With Love,