Friday, July 18, 2008

update on "stuff"

We thought we'd update y'all on the situation regarding the insurance claims that have been unpaid (see July 3rd post). We were informed the following week that Medicare claims were going through and cleared for payment. Today, we received payment for 6 of those claims. Hallelujah...the first payment from them in two months.

Blue Cross claims are still being rejected so Emdeon has more work to do to fix the problem.

So, it appears to be partially resolved, but we still need prayer that BCBS will start paying as well. I for the most part have been able to leave this in the Lord's hands and trust him with the outcome. I don't like having to borrow to make sure next month's bills are paid, but since it's the Lord's money, I'm learning to accept this reality as part of His larger plan.

The Lord that can speak worlds into existence and heal disease with just a thought can surely fix a technological problem. Please pray that we'll continue to trust and not fear.


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