Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day in Maine

This blog's been three days in the making and it's a long one, so make yourselves comfortable. We enjoyed three fabulous days in the great state of Maine where we got to see three sets of friends, my cousins and my aunt & uncle. Did I mention we had perfect shorts and tank weather?? We'll break it down day by day...so without further ado...


We left home in the morning and met up with friends I knew in Boston, Brian and Abbie Killeen. We were in music ministry and small group together when they lived here, and they have been missed since moving to NYC a few years ago. Now they're in Maine and we were excited to get to see them and their 8 month old son, Oliver. For those of you who know the Killeens, I can confirm that while Oliver looks like Brian, he most definitely has his mama's big eyes!

After grabbing a bite to eat we took the Killeens to one of my favorite places in Maine -- Pemequid Point. This is one of the places I used to go to read, pray, & journal and it was a beautiful place to go during some of my lonely times. I couldn't have guessed that a mere 7 years later that I'd be bringing my family there to enjoy it too. Thank you Lord!

The boys...

with their daddys...

and their mamas...

The expanded Berg and Killeen families:

On the way back to Portland, we FEASTED on wild Maine blueberries that we bought on the side of the road...so much better than what we get in the store. Riley and I ate 2 qts like they were candy...


Sunday was another full day...First, we ate breakfast at Eggspectations. Riley had kiwi pancakes among other things. He is still getting accustomed to a fork...he'll stab the food and then pull it off the fork to eat it. So I guess we're half-way there...(he still prefers his fingers tho'...)

We met up with my cousins and Jon's parents at church. Riley had fun being tickled by Aunt Marilyn:

After church, we had lunch with our friends Jenn & Adam. Jenn gave birth to her son Carter a month after I had Riley and we had yet to reconnect. Riley enjoyed playing with Carter and his toys while Jenn & I compared notes on motherhood:

My friend Cathy was kind enough to let us invade her home this weekend and we enjoyed kabobs on the porch for dinner. However, Riley was a little wary of Bella, her standard poodle:


On Labor Day, we enjoyed another gorgeous day out at Bunganut Lake. The weather was perfect for boating and swimming:

We also enjoyed some kayaking and Riley managed to stay in his jump seat the entire time. Jon and Julie joined us out in the water too:

...wait, that's not Julie, who is that?? Why, it's Aunt Marilyn!

Yes folks, my aunt caught the kayaking bug and wants one of her own now. Santa Jimmy are you listening???

We didn't have time to do the hike we had hoped to fit in, but had a full and exhausting trip without it. Left us wanting more... at least we have our annual Acadia trip in October to look forward to!



Holly said...

what an absolutely beautiful place! I've heard so much about it lately too so it was fun to see it here.
great trip review!

Kristen said...

i love the berg family photo--and oliver is SO cute!

Lisa said...

I am so jealous you got to see the Killeen trio.