Tuesday, December 16, 2008

bonkers (shower exile for boys) / the third week of advent / moman

Since Shelby was throwing a shower for Dagmar on Saturday we boys had to find someplace to go as it was ladies only. So Riley and I went off to Bonkers. We were accompanied by three other guys whose ladies were at the shower: James (Dagmar's husband), Matt and Luke.

We got to Bonkers and I immediately took Riley into the play area for toddlers. The other guys stayed outside and couldn't have possibly looked more out of their element. Actually, the look they had on their faces was more "deer in the headlights."

Can't really blame them I suppose, James' wife hasn't had their baby yet, Matt is only engaged, and I'm not sure what Luke's status is, but he doesn't have kids. They looked like they felt terribly out of place (that will likely end soon for James at least...) They were actually pretty brave in venturing into this foreign territory.

Riley had fun in the play area:


He's a round peg in a round hole kinda guy...

Riley always slides headfirst

After playing a while we went out to join the other guys out in the main room. Riley spent the majority of the time hitting the buttons on the front of a punching bag game and looking at the lights on the merry-go-round. Matt had to leave early, but James and Luke stayed and talked serious adult talk. That'll change when they have kids...

The shower went well (see Shelby's entry on that.) We got back in time to say goodbye to all and help pack the Wann's car with their shower booty.

The other event of the weekend was the continuation of the four weeks of Christmas...our Advent gift gala for Riley. Some pictures:

Riley loves his Lego Duplos:

The Legos' place was under the couch...

The Stacking Rings went in the truck...

Presents were a little easier to unwrap...

No No Yes Yes was a big hit when read by Mama...

Our boy loves the Christmas tree

Lastly, we got our first snow of the year and Riley loves a "moman." So Daddy was happy to make one for him (regardless of his own feelings about the stuff...)



I'm trying not to color his thoughts on the white stuff. It's one of the hardest things I've done since becoming a dad!

I love my boy!


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