Monday, December 15, 2008

water lover

Riley loves water. Any water. He loves to drink it, splash in it when we kayak, turn faucets on and off, watch shower and faucet water flow, flush toilets, take baths and lately, swim with Daddy. Today there were a couple of new things added to the list.

This morning while getting ready I got in the shower and brought Riley into the bathroom with me. He did better with this than being stuck in his crib last week, so I figured it was the way things were going to work for a while.

Well, while I was showering he kept opening the curtain to see what was going on inside. The problem was that he was opening it up enough to let water out. I finally closed both ends up and told him to play outside the shower. Well the next thing I know he's diving face first into the tub with me! The problem was, he was still in his jammies with his slippers on.

He didn't catch himself with his hands as he came in, so he banged his face and started to cry. So here I am with water streaming down over us holding my crying boy. I put him back outside, but realized as I put him out there that he would be cold (and he immediately started to whimper.) So I shut down the shower, off came the jammies, slippers and diaper, and in came Riley!

He didn't seem to know what to think of it at first, but he did enjoy playing in the water and getting splashed by Daddy. He also loved running down the hall naked after we dried off...

Everything took me twice as long to do, but I knew where Riley was and what he was doing at least. So he's had his first real shower.

The second new thing came while we were at swim lessons. Riley has always enjoyed "jumping" from the side of the pool to Daddy (with me holding him the whole time) and has gotten a kick out of being partially dunked in the water as he lands. So when he was insisting upon going to the opposite side of the lane line yesterday I had an idea... So I told him I was going to bring him under the lane line back to me, said, "One, two, three!" and pulled him under the water to my side. He came up laughing, pointing to the other side and saying, "More, more!"

We probably did it a dozen times before it was time to get out of the pool. I never expected getting him to hold his breath under water to be so easy or so much fun. But our boy loves the water!

We love our Water Lover!


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