Saturday, November 3, 2007

jumping boy

Riley is starting to get stronger and is able to hold his head up better now. So he’s ready for the jumper that his Uncle Michael and Aunt Cheryl got him a while back. He had a ball in the thing today. Here’s a picture of him in it with his new sunglasses on:

Cool Dude

He was bouncing while Shelby and I ate lunch and also while I was cooking food for the week in the adjoining kitchen. At first we didn’t have the batteries in it, so it didn’t make noise / light up. He enjoyed it. Then I put some batteries in. Oh, my… When it first made noise (it plays a little song and lights flash on and off) he would stop and you could see his eyes flicking back and forth at the lights. After a while he figured out that he was making it happen and he started to jump and jump and jump… Here’s some video:

He started looking tired after a while (he was jumping for at least an hour) but every time I’d come over to see if he was tired enough to get out he’d start jumping again. So I let him have at it and continued my cooking. Finally, I realized I hadn’t heard anything for a few minutes:

Wiped out!

He took a nice afternoon nap.

We love our jumping boy!


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