Friday, March 19, 2010

day 2 updates

Things are going well for the Berg family as we get acquainted with our newest addition. Kendall is already proving to be a girl who knows how to speak her mind. (Now, to learn how to interpret her cues...) All of her checkups and evaluations look great so we're thankful to have so far avoided the drama that accompanied Riley's birth. She's learning the fine art of breastfeeding and Mama hopes to avoid using some of the props that were needed with Riley in order to sustain it longer than the 5 months before her milk supply ran out.

Shelby continues to heal more rapidly than the last "section" she underwent. She was able to walk around the corridor last night and today, the nurse took her off the IV pole and removed her catheter. She was anxious to have the freedom to walk around and get her circulation moving and has done four laps total around the unit in addition to her many trips to the bathroom. She had the nurses amazed at how well she was doing just one day after her surgery. Her nurse said she was a "model section", which made her day. She did feel a little more pain at her incision in the late-afternoon -- probably due to that extra lap that she did around lunchtime.

Tonight, she will get the last of her pain-meds via IV and it will be removed. She's looking forward to a shower with no foreign objects stuck in her body. Her blood pressure has fallen to normal levels so there's no more concern of pre-enclampsia. Now, she's just trying to flush out the excess fluid which will relieve the carpel tunnel that has been plaguing her for over three months.

Shelby's Mom and Riley have been coming to visit for a few hours in which Grammy gets her Kendall time and Riley gets his mama/daddy time. We sure do miss him and look forward to being together in the house starting next week. It's sweet to see Riley give Kendall good-bye kisses, last night he did it totally unsolicited. When Grammy asked him today who they were going to see, he answered "dall", mama, dada!! So Kendall's already first in the list. That's our sweet boy.

We'll leave you with a couple of pictures:

Kendall, day two

Daddy time

Jonathan & Shelby

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