Sunday, March 21, 2010

day 4 -- the hospital stay is coming to a close...

Today was a far different day than yesterday. We had a car seat, a little more sleep, and our girl was crying pretty much only when hungry (and sleeping frequently.) It was a good way to start.

The biggest challenge right now is in getting our girl fed without torturing her Mama. Fortunately the lactation consultant and all of the nurses have said that things look very good, so it's just a matter of practice and Shelby's body parts toughening up with the hard use. Hopefully after a week or so the current painful feeds will live on only in our memories.

Shelby's pain level has been a little higher at times, but this is mostly due to the change in medications from IV to oral. She's an amazingly fast healer so I suspect this will change quickly. She's been doing her laps around the corridor and really looks amazingly good.

Riley and Grammy came for a visit again today. We got some great pictures of Riley with Kendall on his lap. He is such a sweet boy and really seems to care for his sister. I think he understands that Kendall will be coming to live with us, and I hope he understands that we'll all be coming home to stay tomorrow. Some pictures:

Riley and Grammy drawing a house

Big Brother and his new Sister

Riley gives Kendall a kiss

The last few days have been tough ones for our boy. He's had times when he's been separated from Mama for a few days but he's never had this kind of separation from both of us. Fortunately Shelby's Mom has been there to take care of him and it seems that a bond has truly developed between the two of them. He's been for the most part his usual, happy go lucky self. Shelby and I both miss him dearly and are looking forward to being back home as a full family unit.

The other happening during our blur of infant feedings today was a visit from our pastor, Rick Downs as well as Chad and Kathryn Baldanza. The three were visiting another couple who have a son in the hospital (who is doing well.) Rick was actually calling me to see if we were home. It was a nice surprise for all that we were still here. Having visitors is a wonderful thing during times like this. Yesterday we were treated to a visit with our friends Alecia and Aimee. It's great to be able to share the excitement of having a new baby with our friends and it makes the day more fun. For me it makes it seem less like the walls are closing in on me when I have fresh faces around.

I have to say that the stay here at Beverly Hospital has been very pleasant. The staff here has been tremendous. In particular the nurses in the "Beautiful Beginnings" maternity ward have been a joy and have delivered service above and beyond the call of duty. From extra help with nursing problems to bringing around a "snack cart" in the evening these ladies have been nothing short of amazing. We've now had two very different experiences here (fortunately this one was different) but both were very positive. Thank you all very, very much.

The last surprise that we got here was something new since our last visit. On a couple's last night here they are given a "Celebration Dinner". This is a meal worthy of any good restaurant delivered to the mom and dad on their last night at the hospital. We had antipasto, Shelby had Beef Wellington with pesto mashed potatoes and perfectly cooked asparagus, and I had baked scallops with broccoli and seasoned rice with veggies. Shelby had Merlot, and I had a tasty Fisherman's Ale. Spring water and rolls were included. The meal finished with a delicious Molten Chocolate Cake. Yum! It was a great way to cap off a great experience.

Celebration Dinner

Great Dessert!

So tomorrow it's off to establish the new normal. Although this is something that has filled us full of trepidation at times, we're looking forward to seeing what it will be like. We're definitely ready to be back sleeping in our own bed once again.

Off to a new adventure. Stay tuned...

Jonathan & Shelby


Lisa said...

So glad today was better for you and you were able to celebrate more. Hopefully the nursings will become less painful soon! You might want to try icing before or after nursings. I think I also tried distracting myself with tv or phone calls/emails during nursings so I wouldn't be as in tuned to the pain. It does get better.

Unknown said...

Good thing you got that meal in before health care reform passed.