Monday, May 31, 2010

memorial day weekend

The summer season is finally upon us. After a winter filled with pregnancy and a spring of having a newborn we've been feeling some cabin fever.

The first big weekend of the summer gives us three days to rest and recreate. Well, at least recreate. We filled up our time pretty well.

On Saturday we did an exercise in finding out how much activity we can jam into one day before our entire family melts down. The day started with Mom & Dad trading off exercise sessions. Here's a shot from Daddy's bike ride:

Flawless weather and Lynn Woods, it doesn't get any better!

The next activity on the schedule was swim lessons for Riley. Since he started preschool this week Monday mornings are out for swimming, so we're finishing out the term on Saturday. Riley did very well with a different teacher and class structure.

Waiting in line...for the first time

After swimming we went home to get the rest of the family and we all headed off to Boston for a trip to the Museum of Science. Shelby has taken Riley there several times in the past and he always enjoys the place.

Magnet Boy

The high point of the trip for Riley was riding the escalator with Daddy. We went up and down over and over... I had taken some very funny video of this, but unfortunately no longer have my camera. Last seen in the nursing room where we met up with Mama and Kendall just before leaving it was already gone five minutes later when I came back for it. I can only hope someone returns it.

Oddly, the place closed down at 5 PM on Saturday (!) something we did not know. We left without getting our fill of the place.

Next was a visit to see our friends the Reinbolds who live not far from the museum. We had a good (if short) visit, but at this point the kids were showing signs of cracking. Riley appears very comfy in this shot though:

He loves sitting in boxes. This is a toy box.

After stopping for gas on the way home things fell apart. Kendall started crying because she was hungry and Riley (our easy going, do anything boy) went into a total, over the top meltdown. He finally calmed with a promise of some food and a liberal quantity of Winnie-the Pooh. Everyone got in bed earlier than usual.

The next day found us still exhausted. When just getting ready for church seemed like too much of a trial we decided to scale back plans for the day and just come home after church, as much as it pained us to miss our friend Sam's wedding ceremony. It seemed better than having two screaming kids in the sanctuary as they said vows though...

So we had a rest day and prepared for our Memorial Day trip to Newcastle, NH to meet up with Shelby's cousins.

Great Island Common, Newcastle NH - Great place!

Feeling much more rested the day was a treat. The weather was cool and sunny, and the park was well appointed (especially for kids) and a pretty place. A perfect day and place for a picnic.

We've talked before about how much Riley enjoys his cousin Erica. The feeling is quite mutual and despite the fact that Riley is three and Erica twelve they have the greatest time playing together. Some pictures:

Heavy equipment

Sand, action shot

Jumping, action shot

Burying Erica's legs

Burying another kid (the kid asked him to.)

Erica pushes Riley on the swing, Riley pretends to sleep

Riley LOVES Erica

Kendall enjoyed the picnic too

Here's a nice shot of Kendall wide awake!

Erica, Riley and Shelby on the jetty

Riley just had to climb (well, be placed in) this tree

It was a fun day. And since it was at a point equidistant between the cousins and us, we'll definitely be back. It was also a day that ended much earlier than Saturday...I think we've probably learned that lesson. This summer will likely be a bit less active than the last two have been. Babies change that quite a bit. Kendall does pretty well with the active lifestyle though.

I think it will still be a very full summer.


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