Saturday, July 17, 2010

born to run

I've been running off and on for the past 25 years. I wasn't consistent with it until the last 7, when I discovered a park with wooded trails close to work. That's when I fell in love with trail running and acquired the motivation to do it several times each week.

I love running for many reasons. First, it's easy. It doesn't require a special skill or piece of equipment. All you need is a pair of shoes -- and the proponents of barefoot running would say you don't even need those. Second, it's versatile and can be done in any season. I like the fact that my legs can take me just about anywhere I want to go -- whether it's the beach, downtown Boston or Lynn Woods reservation -- I can run wherever I want, unimpeded. I love the freedom in that.

Early on, I ran a few 5k and 10k races as I trained periodically. I didn't really catch the running bug however, I just did it to compensate for my poor eating habits. When I was 28, I was inspired to do a marathon and ran the Chicago Marathon in the fall of '98. It was a great experience on many levels and exciting to see just what my body could do if I trained it properly. Now, every time I watch "Spirit of the Marathon" I get all giddy about running that race again.

(If you're interested, you can check out the trailer here. I get all emotional when I see the runners moving up the starting line... ok, deep breath.)

One of the things that keeps me running today is the curiosity of what my God-given body with it's special characteristics (that being short & muscular with 40 yr old joints) can still do. Though I'm slow, I like to race periodically to get a sense of my pace and how it compares to how I did as a sporadic runner or prior to getting pregnant.

Today, I ran my first race since last fall. It was the Seacoast Seven Road Race in Gloucester and temps were in the low-mid 80's. In other words, HOT. Not the temps I'm used to since I run in the early morning hours. But, with my family to cheer me on at the starting line, I battled the heat & hills and finished the course in 1 hr, 12 min at a 10:19 pace. With the heat and 10 remaining pregnancy pounds, I figured I'd be slower than last year, which was at a 9:27 pace.

The thing that struck me today was how much I dislike road running. It just doesn't compare to running in the woods. I got my first case of shin splints in years -- that didn't help things. The dirt trails give enough cushion that injuries haven't been an issue. So while it's great to have the competition of other runners to spur me to run faster and have a measured course to track my time, I'll be thrilled to get back to the trees, dirt, rocks and bugs of my well worn trails.

Some pics from the day:

Mama at the starting line

My support crew

Nearing the finish line

Riley giving me his sippy cup for my Camelbak bottle

The reward -- Almond Joy panca
kes from Sugar Magnolias!

J showing the chocolate & coconut on the bottom!

Oh yeah, and the pineapple fritters and tangy sauce to dip them in...mmm good!

After every run, I thank God for legs that work and for the joy that I get from pounding the dirt. After losing my mobility during two pregnancies, it feels good to have my body back -- even if it is a slower one that takes longer to recover from grueling runs.

I like what runner Eric Liddell said in the movie Chariots of Fire, "When I run, I feel His pleasure". Amen and amen!


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