Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kendall is 4 months old!

How much things can change in 30 days. When we compare Kendall's 3 month and 4 month snaps, three observations are made:

Kendall at 3 months

Kendall at four months

1.) While she doesn't look a whole lot bigger in size, she's actually moved on from wearing 3 month to 6 month clothes in the past week. So yes, she is growing. She gained a little more than a pound in the past month (12 lbs, 14 oz), which is 32nd percentile. Pretty consistent with what we've been seeing so far. My little peanut.

2) Notice her left hand? This hand is constantly grabbing for her foot. This is where she's obtaining her hand-eye coordination -- her own homegrown toy that goes with her everywhere. She can hold a toy and slowly put it in her mouth, but it's still pretty uncoordinated. She has much better luck with her fingers, which have completely replaced her binky. (Hallelujah -- No need to re-bink our crying baby!)

3) Lastly, you can get a sense of how much her personality is emerging now. She smiles and talks all day long. She wakes up and gives us smiles and gives them to me before bedtime. It's a happy thing to see. Sometimes she talks so loud that I can't hear Jonathan, Riley or the TV over her. The girl must be heard. It's a relief to see that she didn't end up being the exact opposite of her contented and easy-going brother as we feared. She's quite a lot of fun to have around.

I have to say that since weaning her off the nipple shield, I've finally come to enjoy nursing. Now that I'm back at work and nursing only morning and evening, I usually do so in bed which is so comfortable and relaxing. Remember those Calgon commercials -- "Calgon, take me away!". Well, I look forward to my little "Calgon Time" with Kendall each day. Other than that, she gets three bottles of expressed milk during the day for a total of 5 feedings.

As far as sleep is concerned, we couldn't be more happy. Our girl is a good sleeper. She goes to bed around 7p each night and I wake her up at 5am for her first feeding. After that, she goes back to bed and sleeps until 9:00 or 9:30 when J gives her her first bottle. After that, she takes another 3 naps during the day, usually 90-120 min each. Now that she sucks her fingers, any resistance to being put down in her crib lasts a minute or two at most. It took almost 3 months for her to learn to soothe herself to sleep, but we're relieved that she developed that skill for everyone's benefit, especially hers.

Besides when she's tired, the only time she cries is when she gets put in her car seat. She doesn't like it at all. But she usually accepts her fate and starts sucking her fingers and if tired, will take a cat nap. She can't nap when we get to where we're going unless she's really wiped out. She's way too interested in what's going on or just cries because she's tired due to her need for a lot of sleep. So we don't schlep her around quite as much as we did with Riley -- we respect her need for sleep and save ourselves the headache.

We reported last month that she can roll from belly to back -- its her way of getting out of tummy time. Now she's rolling from back to belly according to our daycare provider. Watch out world, this girl's on the move!

Riley still loves on his sister and now has taken to pretending to be a baby to get more of our attention. He'll say "Baby Riley" and come crawling up to us for some lovin'. Very cute.

A short video of Kendall showing us her gift of gab:

"Baby Riley" has always been a great blessing to his parents. Baby Kendall is too. We love our sweet, happy, talkative girl!


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