Friday, July 2, 2010

speech improvements

We've noted that in the past few months, Riley's speech has been improving. He's putting two and three word sentences together now and is talking all day long. His articulation is improving as well, so his words are more understandable to non-parents he comes in contact with.

Two words that have been difficult for him to pronounce are "up" ("pup") & "off" ("bah"). I noticed today that as he was reciting his opposites (one of his favorite things to do) he was clearly saying both words. The other impressive thing was that he was saying "up/down" & "on/off" with no pause or hesitation as he did previously. It's as though the memory paths are forming and he's able to say these words automatically, without having to think about it so much. Very encouraging.

He started his regular 3-day-a-week preschool last week, which lasts from 9 until 5. The teachers have commented on what a sweet boy he is and he clearly enjoys going there. Since he will also attend the SpEd program at the elementary school, we call his regular preschool the "red" school as the schoolhouse is red. He'll start attending both next week, so our boy will have a full schedule of learning and activities. Our hope is that as he continues to interact with other children that he will be encouraged to say more and learn how to socialize with them. We're learning to trust God with this area of social interaction as that's the larger concern with his language delay.

Here's some video I took today where Riley demonstrates his emerging skills:


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