Thursday, June 28, 2007

he's in double digits….

I took Riley in for his 5 week checkup and got the assurance that our boy is eating well and putting on the pounds. His doc was looking for 9 lbs 11oz and he weighed in at 10 even. So my worries that he was down to eating only 6 times a day doesn’t seem to be an issue. Milk production remains high – thankfully.

We’ve moved his bedtime earlier to see if this helps us to organize his sleep now that he’s nearing 6 wks. We’re good about feeding him approx. every 3 hours during the day, but I haven’t been diligent about laying him down for naps – esp. with all the running around I’ve been doing lately. I’m trying a 5-day experiment in which we put him to bed earlier and get him down for naps at the first sign of tiredness. Last night, he went down at 8p and he slept for 7 hours, took a feeding and slept another 4. We’ve seen him sleep that long during the night a few times before, so now we’ll see if it will be more consistent. He had 2 good (2+ hrs) naps today, morning and afternoon, and I’m curious to see if his body is ready to begin a routine of napping and sleeping longer during the night.

I had to endure Riley’s first blood draw today to check his medication levels. He did fine for the heel prick – it was the squeezing of his foot to draw out the necessary amount of blood that he didn’t like. Hearing him scream for 15 minutes was not fun – I got a little choked up briefly, but got a hold of myself. I hope I’ll toughen up over time since this will be a part of his life at least until he’s off the meds.

In other news, the lovely Miss Zippy came over to our house this week for a play date. Not that Riley does much “playing” as of yet, but we feel it’s never too early to encourage a good match.

Zippy’s giving hugs now; she nearly attacked the unsuspecting Riley:

Riley's giving us his tough-guy face in this one:


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