Saturday, June 23, 2007

Riley’s one month old!

Our sweet baby boy is one month old today. It took about 12 tries to finally get a shot where Riley wasn’t falling into Pooh or squirming onto his back. He was pretty hungry, but cooperated with us as we worked on getting the right shot. He was rewarded with a nice big meal afterwards…

We didn’t do anything in particular to mark the occasion, but did inaugurate our first family walk around
Lake Quannapowitt. I usually walk with Riley an hour there each day. It was nice to have daddy along with us as well.

Riley continues to sleep well at night; he sleeps at least 4-6 hours before daddy’s middle-of-the-night feed and another 3-4 before my early morning feed. He’s even had a couple of nights this past week in which he slept 11-12 hours with just one feeding. He can go 3-4 hours between feeds during the day now that he’s nursing more efficiently. When offered, he takes a bottle of cold breast milk from Dad or me, which is awesome. When he wants to suck and it’s between meals, he is content to be “binked”. We’re glad we accepted the 6 pacifiers offered to us at the hospital – we have them all over the house.

He sleeps well in his crib and the car seat ride is a guaranteed nap. He spends more of his awake time looking intently at mom and dad and has even tried to mimic the faces we have made. He gives us baby kisses when we kiss him on or around the mouth. Very sweet. I think he made his first attempt at “talking” to me today. J and I both determined this since he wasn’t squawking, crying, squeaking, grunting or snorting – the only noises he has made so far. I think he’s smiled at each of us at least once – we didn’t hear him pass gas, so we assume it was his adoration of mom and dad.

He’s tracking objects with his eyes and is showing a lot of interest in the world around him. His neck control continues to improve. He enjoys music and books (current favorites are “Here Come the ABC’s” by They Might Be Giants and “The Bible Rhyme Book”) and light of any kind.

This week, he took his first trip to the beach at Plum Island with Betsy, who is a good friend of ours in Newburyport. We plan to see "Gramma Betsea" a lot this summer to enjoy her company, her amazing garden and her beach.


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