Monday, June 11, 2007

Week 1…

It’s been a good first week with our boy. He sleeps well and hardly cries except when he’s hungry. When we’re in bed, he will squirm and grunt for about 30 min before he finally lets out a squawk to let us know he’s ready to eat.

He’s a good sleeper so far… He gets up once in the night to eat (between 2-4) and again in the early morning (between 5-7), which affords J and I at roughly 7 hours of sleep with just one interruption. J takes the first feeding (with my stored milk) and I take the second and this seems to work well so far.

Mom left today to go back to Alaska – it was immensely helpful to have her here this past week to help with things around the house and with Riley. She even managed to help J with some organizing that he needed for the office. Thanks mom for helping us as we get adjusted to our new life as parents – it was great not to have to think about meals or laundry for a week as we focused on our son and taking care of him.

We tried putting Riley in the Baby Bjorn and it was hilarious to watch him immediately crane his neck over the side to try and catch of glimpse of life outside the carrier. He was using his feet to try and boost himself higher so he could get a better look. Here's a picture at one of his more successful "bobs" in the Bjorn:


1 comment:

Tonya C said...

You'll need to rig up the Bjorn with a sophisticated system of mirrors and pulleys so that Mr. Riley can raise and lower himself as need be.

What do ya think?
