Sunday, February 17, 2008

T-minus 3 and counting...

We're anxiously awaiting 3p on Wed when we can finally close on the sale of our new home. Here's a picture of it -- we're buying left half of this beautiful building:

Everything seems to be in order -- we're just in that in-between stage being settled nowhere.

As if the stress of moving and getting everything packed up (with FT jobs and infant) wasn't enough, J came down with a bad cold on Tuesday night. He's very congested and the coughing had made his stomach muscles sore. Throw in extreme sluggishness and feeling like a Mack truck hit him and he's pretty miserable. He actually didn't go in to work on Wed; something very rare for the self-employed.

It's still touch and go -- yesterday he was alright until around 5p and today he's feels worse. Poor guy. He's the expert packer, having many years of experience in the moving business. I over-think the process and takes me twice as long. We're praying for the strength to make it to Friday when the move is done and we're just settling in. My mom's flying in on Wed and she'll be a big help with the home and Riley.

While J was eating lunch, I was cleaning up in the kitchen and realized that I hadn't heard any noise from either of the boys in several minutes. This is what I found:

J was napping and Riley just playing by himself, keeping quiet as though not to wake J.

One of the skills our boy has acquired in the past few days is the ability get into a sitting position when he's lying down. When I put him down in his bed and 30 min later he's still talking or laughing, this is what I'm likely to find:

He loves looking at himself in the mirror (and chewing on his fingers):

He likes his two Baby Einstein videos -- I put them in every week or two just for something different. Here he's watching the Baby Signs one:

We're signing "Mommy", "Daddy", "milk", "eat" and "more" to him in case it catches on. He understands these words already but not coordinated enough to sign. The way the kid jabbers, it may not be necessary. He just needs some teeth!

My break is over and my child refuses to nap so I'll close here. Keep us in your prayers, esp J and he's not at full capacity right now.



Robert Talbert said...

How on Earth does Jonathan manage to nap in that position? That's a chiropractic nightmare. Or maybe he's just really sleep deprived. All things considered, I'd bet on the latter.

Many blessings on your new home. Do the occupants of the right-hand half realize that they are going to be blogged about?

Shelby said...

He can sleep just about anywhere! Yes, and he needs to chiro after uncurving his neck like that.

here's hoping the neighbors mind their manners so we won't feel the need to vent-blog!

Shelby said...

hey need a freakin' update on your blog. I've stopped checking it since you've not blogged since Cmas...

The Bergs said...

I was so sick and exhausted I just passed out after finishing lunch. Definitely not the preferred place to sleep.


Kristen said...

I love the new place! It looks so great--can't wait to see the inside!

Oil Zivan said...

Yeah! we had that bad cold last week too.
Nice house, guys! Congratulations, new homeowner. We, too, hope to be one.

The Hartley Family said...

Congratulations on the new house!!! I can't believe how big Riley and Annabelle are getting...I must say though, I was thrilled to read that Riley does not have any teeth yet. We are still waiting and my 5 month old niece has 2!

Lisa said...

You must be home owners for a day now. How is it?