Sunday, June 29, 2008

time to play

It's a rare thing for us to have a weekend where there isn't much planned. We generally fill our time up and are happy to do so. Every once in a while it's nice to have the bulk of the weekend be unplanned. With the exception of my being part of the music team at church this weekend we actually had one of those 'quiet' weekends. A perfect time for some family fun.

While I was practicing Saturday morning Shelby took Riley over to a playground near the church. Just as Riley has never met a toy he hasn't liked, so he also hasn't been to a playground he hasn't liked. Here are pictures and video (sorry for the sideways videos):

Riley plays tic-tac-toe

He's all set to slide headfirst

Playing video

Up the slide backward

Slide video
(with Mama) from Riley's perspective

After I was done with practice Shelby, Riley and I headed over to Memorial Drive in Cambridge. We had a car full of jog stroller (aka bike trailer) and bikes. Riley sat and had a snack while I put things together. He always sits on a blanket when he's on the grass. He doesn't even like to touch the grass with his hands:

We started riding and I was noticing a profound lack of noise from my usually very vocal boy. Last week every time I hit 14 mph he'd start yelling out. So I stopped at a street corner and gave a look behind. Here's what I saw:

It's amazing to me that he could sleep with all the commotion. We rode down the path by Memorial Drive until we got to where we would have to head over to the Boston side and the Esplanade. Before that we needed some lunch, so we headed into Cambridge. Once we got to Harvard Square this meant a bunch of walking with an extra large baby stroller... The payoff was an excellent "open face grilled cheese sandwich" from Club Passim. It was more like a pita pizza and it was awesome. We ate at the Cambridge green:

Riley and Daddy having some lunch

Riley with Mama smiling at a passerby

After lunch it was time to ride for a bit. We headed back to Memorial Drive and then over to the Esplanade. Of course on the Esplanade there are swings... Where there are swings there must be a swinging boy. Here are a couple of shots we took right after getting Riley off the swing:

Cute Boy

Good thing it's not mid-winter...

Before heading back to the Cambridge side and the car we made one more the wading pool. It was a bit cool, but not cold and Riley wanted to get at the water:

Riley liked standing in the water

Then he checked out the temp

He wasn't sure about sitting in it at first

Video of his short 'swim'

The day was great fun. That is until we were just about home. Riley cried for the next three hours. We're not totally sure why, more on that in a future blog though.

I've never enjoyed bike paths so much. Even a die-hard mountain biker can have his view on riding a road bike modified. It is all part of my plan though. I can't wait to get him on a trail-a-bike and then one of those teeny little two wheelers...



Holly said...

um, so, once again...can I be your kid?

really, that looked fabulous, he is going to have such a great and memorable childhood!!!

Lisa said...

You guys are too cute with the biking and the kid in tow.