Friday, July 4, 2008

he sits, he crawls, he stands, HE WALKS!

After the last blog entry it's nice to have a bunch of cool stuff to talk about.

Riley has been on the verge of walking for a while now. He's been leaning (very casually) against furniture or people. He's been 'cruising', holding on to furniture, people, etc. to make his way around on foot. He's even been standing up on his own without holding anything for the last few days (see the video two posts ago.) He wouldn't let go and walk though.

That changed this afternoon. Our boy declared his independence from crawling this Independence Day!

Riley was walking in the kitchen holding one of Shelby's fingers when he suddenly let go and took five steps on his own. We immediately started cheering! So I grabbed the camera and we tried to recreate the event. After a few tries we got this:

I love the look of absolute glee on his face as he's walking toward me. He always gets so excited when he's doing something big for the first time. Mama and Daddy are always just as excited...

Did we mention he talks? He now has Dada, Mama, ball, Uh-oh. Oh, he also says, "eh!" for any object that interests him, especially lights and fans. This is usually accompanied by a pointing finger. We don't have any problem knowing his desires...

So now we have a walking boy. Life will truly get interesting...

We love our walking boy!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. Once he started going he really started going!

Oh, and Kristyn and I just realized how close Montreal is to Boston, only to have our hopes dashed of seeing you guys since you are in Alaska!