Tuesday, March 9, 2010

déjà vu

I had my weekly midwife appointment this afternoon and she found that I’m retaining fluid and my blood pressure is up again. So she sent me over to the hospital for a fetal non-stress test and preeclampsia screening. The former is a non-invasive test that monitors fetal movements and heart rate in response to those movements. They also monitored my blood pressure.

After an additional two hours at the hospital, I was advised that I could go home (THAT was in question??) However, I have been ordered on bed rest until delivery. I don’t have preeclampsia, but they’ll continue to monitor me closely and keep checking for it.

The nine hours at work in an upright position isn’t helping with the rising BP and fluid levels. So, just like last time, I’m on bed rest at 37 weeks. I’m beginning to think that I’m just not made for pregnancy. My body seems to reject the foreign entity living in my womb and responds in a vascular sort of way.

I can’t help but be concerned that if I wait to go into labor naturally that I’m risking the possibility that Kendall will suffer the fetal distress that Riley did, leading to the stroke that Riley had or some other issue. Now that I’m having the same BP & fluid retention that I had before, I’m feeling less excited about waiting the pregnancy out and trying for a VBAC. I’ve been hoping to have a natural labor & delivery and avoid another C-section, but after today, I’m considering the option of an elective C-section if things continue as is.

I’m going back in for another check up on Thursday and I’ll discuss my options with the midwife at that point. The goal is a healthy baby, so if surgery seems to be the best option in my circumstance then I’m more open to it this time around.

We’ll keep you posted on developments…



Kristen said...

16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

We're all cursed. Recently I was in a bible study where we studied Eve and we did discuss how it is unusual that pregnancy/childbirth/childrearing is certainly not easy for anyone, but there are varying degrees of 'sorrow' involved. Your body had done a fantastic job growing your two babies, however much discomfort to you. Just remember, before you know it, baby girl will be here and you'll be running marathons again!

Lisa said...

I would say your body is definitely made for pregnancy. You made carried your kids till full term. Pregnancy is not any easy physical feat. Your body is just gearing up for the grand finale. We hardly at our most glamorous for the final reveal.