Thursday, March 18, 2010

kendall acadia berg

Kendall came into our lives today at 10:02 am. She entered the world loudly, making sure everyone knew she was here. She's a beautiful, healthy girl with a gorgeous head of light brown hair. Vital stats: weight - 7 lbs 14 oz, length - 20 inches. Mama did very well and is recovering quickly. Shelby actually feels far better than she did after Riley's birth, so we are hoping for a rapid recovery.

We had some family time this afternoon where Shelby's Mom and Riley came to visit us at the hospital for a while. Riley was so cute with his sister, giving her a kiss early on and also and unsolicited kiss goodbye. Very cute. We think he's going to be a great older brother.

We'll have much more in the future, for now though we'll just leave you with some pictures and a quick video.

She came out screaming!

She calmed down quickly though

Weigh in

Exam time

Pretty girl

Quality time in the recovery room

Riley took to his sister right away, giving her a big kiss

Grammy got to spend some time with her newest granddaughter

Riley and Mama hanging out, they both missed each other

Riley played in his "fort"

View from the fort

Watching Blue's Clues on daddy's iPod

Family time

Berg family shot

Last but not least, a little video from exam time

We love our new girl!

Jonathan, Shelby & Riley


Kristen said...

She is beautiful! I am so happy for all of you--what a gorgeous family!

Lisa said...

Yeah! So glad to hear Shelby is also doing well!

Melissa Vanden Bout said...

So beautiful! Hi there, Kendall!

I'm glad you're doing well, Shelby, and that you got some time with your boy. He looks absolutely delighted with baby sis.