Tuesday, May 18, 2010

kendall is two months old!

Our baby girl is two months old today. It's hard to believe she's been with us for that long already -- the time is going by so fast. She is now 10 lbs, 3 oz and continues to nurse approximately every 3 hours during the day. At night, she goes to bed around 7:30p and wakes up around 5:30a with a dream feed from daddy at 11p.

She's still not a voracious eater, but since she seems content, continues to gain weight and have regular eliminations, we're not concerned at the point. We'll see what the doc has to say when both kids get their checkups next week.

We're grateful that she's a good night sleeper, though it should be said that most times we lay her down she fusses for 5-15 min before settling down to sleep. We continue to swaddle her and offer her the binky if she's interested in sucking. I'm hoping that she continues to wake between 5:30 and 6a each morning, as that's when I will be feeding her prior to going back to work on June 21st.

She naps very well in the mornings, so well in fact that it's like a continuation of her night sleep. Once I feed her in the morning, she pretty much goes back down and doesn't wake up for at least a couple of hours. Her afternoon naps are more like catnaps, though if I'm not running errands, she does sleep a bit better.

Check out the red eyebrows...she's got light reddish-brown hair, we think from her G'pa Berg:

She prefers motion when in her car seat. She cries when we put her in it, but once we rock it or pick it up to carry her out to the car, she is quiet. It's funny also that when the car's in motion she's quiet, but woe to us if we come to a stop for any reason and she's still not asleep -- she starts hollering until the car's in motion again. Fortunately, once we get on the highway, she usually falls asleep so we don't have that kind of "alarm" going off the entire car ride.

She's started enjoying her swing more:

Some of the developmental things we're beginning to see:

1) She smiles. This is most often seen just after a feeding, but I've also seen them when she's just gotten up from a nap and I have her on the changing table.

2) She's now tracking me across the room as I'm walking around, which makes me feel special.

3) She will put her fist in her mouth and suck on it. It appears deliberate rather than just a random act of driving it into her mouth. This usually happens just after I've fed her and she's having her 15-30 min of contentedness before she becomes tired.

4) We also see her trying to grasp at her toys. She still pretty much bats at them, but can hold a toy for a minute or so when it's placed in her hand.

5) Like Riley, she doesn't like tummy time, but her neck strength seems good as she loves to be held looking over my shoulder. She straightens her legs out and stands straight up to get a good look around. This has made using the Ergo baby carrier more challenging as she doesn't want to keep her legs in a froggy position -- she tries to stand up and her feet appear under the waist band. I've started putting her in the bumbo seat for a few minutes at a time and she does very well as keeping her back straight and not falling over to the side.

I love how it looks like they're chattering away, in their own little world:

We'll close with some misc snaps of our girl hanging with the family:

Riley loves to join her on the activity mat:

Daddy's girl:

Riley loves his baby sister:

Not surprisingly, Kendall is more vocal than her brother was, but it's nice to see her enjoy her playtime more and get interested in the world around her. So far, she's not the malcontent that we feared we may get, after having such a easygoing baby in Riley. We look forward to seeing her personality emerge and see the ways in which she is different from her brother.

Two months have gone by pretty fast. Having two little ones around the house definitely is more of a challenge. Even so we love having our baby girl. Happy two months Kendall!


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