Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hi, this is Riley again. I want to tell you about our trip to Acadia National Park in Maine. I did lots of fun things -- we hiked, biked and kayaked with my cousin Erica and her family. This is my second year to go and I had even more fun than last year!

First, daddy had to load up the car with all the toys that we were going to bring. We had two bikes, my bike trailer and the tandem kayak on top of the car, which daddy said created drag, but I don't know what that means. I had my toys in the back seat so I could play on the 5 hour drive up to Bar Harbor.

I was excited to see my cousin Erica. She's 10 and she played with me and watched cartoons with me when we were in the cabin.

We went hiking up Acadia mountain. Since I'm new to walking, I got to ride in a backpack carrier. Sometimes I rode on Daddy's back and sometimes I rode on Mama's back. It was so much fun that I didn't bother to take a nap -- there were too many interesting things to look at!

At the top of the mountain, mama and daddy let me get out and walk around. The rocks were pretty easy for me to walk on and I even climbed up a big rock all by myself!

We ate lunch at the top of the mountain -- I had a peanut butter sandwich...yum!

After we went hiking, we went kayaking on Echo Lake. It was very windy and we got splashed a lot by the waves. Erica rode in our kayak and I sat on mama's lap. We didn't get to do it very long because mama and daddy had to work really hard to paddle the kayaks. I didn't mind -- I enjoy putting my hands in the water and getting wet!

Afterwards, we went to a restaurant and had what the adults called overpriced food. I like the french fries. I put them in my mouth like a cigar and mama and daddy laughed. So I kept doing it because I like it when people think I'm funny.

We ate at Mama's favorite breakfast place, Cafe This Way and I flirted with the girl at the table next to us.

After breakfast, we got to do daddy's favorite sport -- biking! Since I'm not big enough to ride my own bike yet, I got to ride in the Chariot carrier. I had my books, doggy and blanket, but since I had no nap the day before, I slept for about half the ride!

I got to have my first popover at Jordan's Pond House and they were very yummy! We ate them on the lawn by Jordan Pond.

You can see the North and South Bubble mountains from the lawn and I took a walk on the nature trail.

We went kayaking again at Jordan pond and the weather was much better. Daddy took a video so you can see me playing with the water. What you didn't see was splashing myself on my head so my hair was all wet!

Mama took a picture of a bridge while we were kayaking. Isn't it pretty?

The next day we had to leave to go back home to Boston. Since I didn't want to nap, I played with my toys and read my books for most of the trip. Mama took a video of me reading one of my books. When I was done, I just threw it on the floor.

At last, I fell asleep during the last 90 minutes of the trip. Daddy laughed when my eyes opened and I immediately picked out a goldfish to eat since I fell asleep mid-snack!

I had a fun time in Acadia and I can't wait to go back next year!



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