Sunday, October 26, 2008

connors farm

This weekend, Riley and I had the opportunity to try out one of the local farms. We invited one of our Bradley birth classmates, Gina and her daughter Annabelle to join us. We had not seen Gina since our final class in April '07, so it was great to see her again and meet Belle finally.

We wanted to stay close to home so we went to Connors Farm in Danvers. It was a bit lame but the kids didn't know better so we made the most of it. The petting farm consisted of two goats and a llama, which were taken away within 30 min of arrival (grrr). Riley did pet the goat but was much more interested in all the small airplanes flying overhead.

Both kids enjoyed driving the tractor:

Riley got a kick out of the inflatable playground, but wasn't too keen on climbing the hay mountain. He still has issues with some textures:

They had the most fun in the sandbox (the cornbox was empty...grrr):

Riley thought the pumpkin muffin was quite tasty and played nicely with Annabelle.

It was interesting to watch the differences of the sexes with those two. Riley, rough and tumble, had no fear and didn't mind getting dirty. Annabelle, not such a fan of dirt, was more cautious and gentle (and a better linguist!).

So the kids had fun and the moms enjoyed catching up on the last year and a half. Good to see you Gina and Belle, maybe next time we can head north for a Christmas sleigh ride!


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