Monday, October 6, 2008

new skills

This afternoon, Riley and I were headed downstairs and I decided to let him practice going down the stairwell on his own. I've spent a few brief sessions showing him how to sit on his bum, roll onto his belly and crawl backwards down the stairs, but it didn't seem to stick.

I thought I'd just see what he'd do if I opened the gate and started down without him. He surprised me and did exactly as I'd taught him weeks ago and descended down the whole stairwell (with two turns) on his own.

I was so proud of him I instinctively asked for a high-five and he raised his palm up and slapped my hand. This is something else I've shown him a few times, but never seemed to stick either. Maybe he's learning it at daycare.

Anyway, it may not seem like much, but it really made my day...

In other news, he's trying out new words: bike (bye), diaper, balloon (bah bah), bathroom & baby (which sound a lot alike).


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