Friday, October 3, 2008

a rough week...

...both for the economy and our boy.

Without boring any of the readers about the "why", suffice it to say that the past two weeks have been very busy in the Treasury & Finance group I work in. I feel the effects of the credit crunch on our business because those effects trickle down to my job, part of which is helping to protect the cash we have. I hope that the pork-filled economic relief bill passed today will begin to resuscitate the economy and lead to some reforms and regulations desperately needed.

In the midst of this week's craziness, Riley came down with a fever of 103 on Wed and has remained out-of-sorts since then. With two molars coming in and adding to the misery, he's been very clingy and not eating as much. He's not slept well either and has the bags under his eyes to show for it. I bought him some popsicles to help him with the gum pain:

He doesn't watch more than about 30 min of PBS kids on any given day, but I allowed for a little extra TV time while he was home. We watched Baby Einstein and a couple of chick flicks when he was in a snuggling mood. Today, he enjoyed the dancing and singing of "Chicago".

J took Riley back to daycare this morning and baby boy cried when he left. That has never happened...broke J's heart. Riley settled down a bit, but I ended up picking him up a little early. He's eating a little more again -- He's subsisted on yogurt and goldfish, today he took a few bites of oatmeal and some fruit too.

He's been a mama's boy, preferring to be held or fed by me. I am letting myself enjoy this as much as I can since I know his desire to have mama's comfort will fade as he ages. J's time is coming; I expect Riley to be close to his dad, just like J was close to his. How can he not be, with such a sensitive guy for a father?

I anticipate a low-key weekend with Riley and am hopeful that he'll be ready for a full day of daycare again on Monday.

I think I'll go snuggle with my boy once more...I hear him crying for me.


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