Friday, October 31, 2008

closing a chapter

Today -- Halloween -- was Riley's last day at Diane's Family Day Care. It was a bit emotional for Jonathan and I; we have felt very good about leaving Riley with Diane for the past 14 months. We'll miss seeing the other kids and we know they'll miss Riley too. Diane has taken good care of our boy and we'll miss her a lot.

Since they were also celebrating Halloween, Riley arrived in his Fireman costume and had cupcakes and cookies with the other kids. I'll post a pic of Riley and all the kids in their costumes when I get our copy from Diane.

Since it was such a beautiful afternoon, we stopped by the park on the way home. Riley was distracted by the seagulls lurking about and tried to get near enough to pet them.

We didn't actually go trick or treating, but was hoping for a decent turnout of kids at our house. Apparently, our neighborhood isn't the place to be as we only saw about 12 kids the whole night....lame. Next year, I'm not buying the big bag of candy, that's for sure. Riley enjoyed the visitors, nonetheless.

Next week, J starts his new schedule of 1p - 7p and Riley goes to Nicole's house in the afternoons. It's hard leaving my kid with someone new, but we trust that the Lord has guided us in our decision and will watch over our son.


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