Monday, August 20, 2007

adventures in day care

Maybe my tendency to live in the future affords me the opportunity to grieve over losses ahead of time so that when the day arrives, I have less crying to do. Such was the case today. I’ve cried off and on during the past month in anticipation of going back to work. Yesterday, I was a basket case. Cried during church, cried at home, cried at small group Bible study, cried during Riley’s bedtime feeding, cried putting him to bed, yada yada yada -- you get the picture.

This morning I got choked up a few times while feeding Riley and kissing him goodbye. Later on, at work, I had a little cry while I took a pumping break, but other than that, I did better than expected. I was distracted – I had to triple-check my work to ensure that I hadn’t made an error – but I wasn’t as depressed as I thought I would be. Maybe I’ve gotten some of the grieving done already and am better able to accept something that can’t be changed.

I missed my boy. A lot.

I’m grateful to be able to leave the office early this week to help ease the transition back to work. I picked Riley up around 1:30 and got a sheet from Diane, his caregiver, called “The Daily Infant News”. She records when he ate, slept and included a note that “Riley had a happy first day”. Well, I’m glad that one member of our family did. J was so out of sorts emotionally that he forgot to give Diane any instructions and had to go back. He was still choked up when I called him a shortly after.

We’re hopeful that the days will get better as we have more of them. Every mom I work with tells me it does get easier. I don’t know if the guilt will ever go away, but at least I can feel good about where Riley’s at. Diane’s got 20 years of experience and J and I both felt good about the environment our boy will be in.

But we’ll still miss him. A lot.


1 comment:

Tonya C said...

Hang in there, guys. I have confidence that you made a great decision in Riley's childcare. I also know that you will make the time you spend together mean so much more because of how much you love the little guy. You'll all be just fine!

Miss you!
