Friday, August 17, 2007

i am Athena. hear me roar (or grunt)

Back in my second trimester, I pretty much ate whatever I felt like and paid the price for it later on. I’m now on a year-long journey to lose the excess pounds without reducing my milk supply. Gotta eat and drink just enough to keep me and my boy well-nourished. Thankfully, J and I enjoy making quick & healthy meals, so it’s been easy to get back into the habit of eating right.

Part of my fitness regimen is to sign up for races that are longer than my training runs to give me a goal to shoot for. The first race will be Sept 8 -- the 5-mile Ollie Road Race in Southie. My current weight puts me in the “Filly” category – the men are called “Clydesdales”. Some women have objected to being referred to as horses (can ya blame 'em?), so they are also known as Athena runners. Since she’s the warrior goddess, there is that sense of power and kick ass-ness that some might find empowering.

For me, they both mean that I need to lose weight in order to cover the ground I used to and enjoy the run for longer periods. I can’t say that I enjoy them as much as before – they’re a lot more work now. It will be a challenging race as I’m currently running 3 miles at a 4 min/mile pace slower than pre-pregnancy. I must say that I have a greater admiration for those larger runners who I see plugging away at the miles. There’s a big difference between fast walking and slow jogging and it’s most noticeable when you’re carrying larger loads.

My goal is to run at least 4 miles each Saturday between now and race day. I know from past experience that I can run longer on race day due to adrenaline and the motivation of having other runners to run with.

After that, I’ll be looking for a 10k (6.2 mi)...


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