Sunday, August 5, 2007

cars, buses, trains, boats, now planes!

This weekend we took a trip to Auburn, AL for our friend Lisa’s wedding. This is the first time we’re traveling by plane with Riley. Thinking of air travel and babies brings to mind nightmares of crying infants in the seat behind you. We took some sage advice and had a bottle for takeoff and landing (to help with air pressure changes) and he made it through without a squawk. Just a fun time spent with daddy.

For two days Riley fought sleep so that he could watch all the interesting new things that were going on around him. He hardly napped at all. That ended yesterday. Our boy spent the majority of the day napping and went right to sleep at bedtime. The travel finally caught up with him. He spent a good part of today sleeping as well. We have a travel bed for Riley that Shelby found at Target. A very cool and necessary thing for travelers like us. Here’s our boy resting well:

It was great to see everyone this weekend and best of all to celebrate Tom & Lisa’s wedding. The last of "The Four" has been married off (and well, we might add -- way to go Lisa!).

Marlynn, Shelby, Lisa and Kathy

Tom and Lisa:

It’s also been fun to have our Nashville friends meet Riley. He’s gotten passed around quite a bit this weekend. Fortunately he loves to be held by everybody. He’s such a happy boy that he’s got smiles for almost everyone. Here are some pictures of Riley with some of our Nashville friends:

Ken & Marlynn


Debbie & Sabrina

We’re heading back to Boston in the morning. One more airplane trip with our boy. I hope it goes as well as the first. I’m a lot less apprehensive this time around. I’ll close for today with our most recent Berg family shot. The fist in mouth is his favorite "new thing" to do:


1 comment:

Kristen said...

riley has such a pretty mama. You look great in that family shot, Shelby!