Monday, August 13, 2007

skooching, pushups and bumbos

Riley has learned to use his heels to move himself around and now I have to rescue him from skooching off his playmat. (Is that the right spelling for skooch? Can’t find it in the dictionary but saw that another blogger had used it, so I will too) He actually has two playmats, one which has more cushioning and he doesn’t seem to like it as well since it inhibits his ability to travel in this manner.

Anyway, another first is that he is now able to use this newfound mobility to turn himself more than 180 ° as he demonstrates in this picture:

Yes, his head was originally on the right side of this view (near his binky) and we caught him at the end of a long afternoon nap yesterday having turned himself about 210 ° to the right. Those bumpers will come in handy now that he'll be banging his head and feet on the crib rails.

He’s also getting better at his mini-pushups. Not sure if it’s apparent in this picture, but he’s got his upper chest off the mat here:

Lastly, Miss Frankie (who is 6 mos) decided that she didn’t have any more use for the Bumbo seat that we lent her, so Riley got to take his first spin in his seat. Here’s the look on his face when we first put him in:

Then, the discovery of The Toes:

He doesn’t have the hand-eye coordination to grab them yet, but he was leaning over and moving his hand ever so closer. I’ve put him in the seat a couple more times since then and it doesn’t take long before he’s staring a his toes again. Must be a Bumbo thing…


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