Saturday, August 16, 2008

another dream come true

Our car has a new accessory...

After our conversation last week while kayaking at Sebago Lake, we decided to bite the bullet and add the one "toy" that we were missing from our collection. It's no secret that we've longed for a kayak for years. J dreamed of family mountain biking and I dreamed of family kayaking. Now we're outfitted for both. We bought a Necky Manitou II tandem kayak that has a jump seat in the middle for a child. It should be sufficient until Riley is 9 or 10 and wants a child-sized kayak of his own.

We took our kayak out for its maiden voyage out at Plum Island this afternoon. Riley's "Gramma Betsea" has a kayak and she joined us. The weather was gorgeous and temps were perfect.

Riley loves being in the kayak:

He helped Daddy paddle for a little bit:

Betsy and Jessie in their kayak:

Riley enjoyed guiding us as well:

Heading out to the Merrimack River:

The whole gang:

Enjoying the warm water:

A happy family enjoying a great day in the water:

Two sports down...two to go (snowshoeing & XC skiing) and we'll be a year-round sporting family!


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