Monday, August 11, 2008

sebago lake

This weekend we took a trip up to Sebago Lake in Maine. It was a "50th Birthday Year" celebration for us Springfield College grads. The lake is beautiful and to give you an idea here's the view through the front window of the cottage:

We got to the cottage, unloaded our stuff and then headed across the street to our friend Suzie's dad's house (Suzie had the place next door to us.) It had been a sunny day to that point, but as soon as we stepped out the door it started to rain. Fortunately Suzie's family had hosted a big, week long get together and they had a canopy. So we got to hang outside and play a bit. Riley enjoyed the slide and showed us his aptitude for basketball, helped by Suzie's son Curtis:

It wasn't long before the weather cleared up again and we were able to have some outdoor fun. Suzie's family has had this house on the lake for a long time, so they've accumulated a whole lot of fun lake toys. The first we got to sample was her dad's powerboat. Riley was hit and miss with the boat. Sometimes he liked it, sometimes he didn't. Here's a shot of one of his better moments:

Saturday night we were able to hang out with my friends Michael and Cheryl as well as Suzie. They're always some of my most favorite people to spend time with and this was no exception.

Sunday morning Shelby and I got a chance to do something we have always loved...we went kayaking. The lake was calm and there was little wind or boat traffic to stir up the water. It was beautiful. Here are a couple of pictures:

We were out for an hour or so and during that time were talking about how much we love kayaking and how we'd love to get Riley into it too. We decided then and there to look at kayaks on the way home. We actually would have bought a tandem at the Kittery Trading Post if they weren't closing ten minutes after we decided on what we wanted. That sets up a trip for next Saturday... Riley was really cute when we were looking at the kayak. They have a little "jump seat" for a kid in the rear of the kayak right in front of the back seat. We sat him on that and he seemed right at home. He was even more at home when he sat down in the front seat. He looked like a guy who wanted to spend a lot more time there. I wish we had the camera with us.

It was time for more water sports after lunch. Suzie's dad also had a jetski. Neither Shelby or I had been on one before and I had always wanted to give one a try. It was a ton of fun. It's amazing how fast 30 mph can feel... Here we are just before we took off:

The only reason we could just take off on these little adventures is because we had a very willing babysitter. Suzie absolutely loves Riley and was looking forward to the chance to have him around for a little while:

Thanks Suzie, we all had fun!


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