Sunday, August 3, 2008

a "yes" answer

We're happy to report that it appears that the billing problem we wrote about recently (July 3rd & July 18) has been resolved. Medicare began paying out about 2 weeks ago. J got the first notice today that Blue Cross has accepted his claims and will start paying out next week. The payment times vary on the type of plan and other factors so it may be the end of the month before we see all the past two months worth of claims paid.

Obviously, this is a tremendous relief to us to have this problem behind us. We've been able to put alternate financing in place during the past couple of months, but it couldn't go on indefinitely without some long-term consequences. We thank the Lord for not letting this drag out any longer.

We're not totally in the clear as business has slowed down with the economy and therefore J may be taking yet another pay cut to keep his one variable expense in line with revenues. As we deal with that possibility, I think the ways in which the Lord worked on me these past two months will help me to accept whatever comes from His sovereign hand. I hate debt and always will. I'll try to avoid taking on any more than absolutely necessary. But if its necessary, I'll learn to trust God with our family's future. I was able to do that off and on during these past couple of months, so I'm getting some practice at least.

Thanks to all who prayed for us and expressed concern and encouragement. Thanks most of all to our gracious God who doesn't treat us as our sins deserve. He is good...all the time.


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