Sunday, August 24, 2008

eating out

Ever since Riley became the newest member of our family we've pretty much just hauled him along with us everywhere we go. This includes eating out with friends which is something we particularly enjoy on Sundays after church. Riley has always been amazingly good in these situations, a joy to have along actually.

Now that he's getting older and're starting to feel some of the stress in social situations that we haven't really had to deal with in the past. Riley wants to play, and it's hard to play in his physical way when he's stuck in a highchair. He's a high-energy boy who thinks that throwing things on the floor is fun (silverware, napkins, utensils, menus etc.) and he also thinks it's fun to see Mama and Daddy pick them up.

We know we can't expect him to sit quietly for an hour while we stuff face. But if we give him something to play with it just ends up on the floor. Unfortunately our 15 month old cannot understand that this is our ONLY time to eat out each week and that his parents need to have some adult conversation too.

We went out with some friends after church today and Shelby was up no less than 10 times for Riley-reasons. One of our friends, a teacher, said that although Riley usually got an "A" for behavior from her, today he got a "B" with all his goofing off.

Yes, he's cute, but don't be deceived... he's a piece of work, he is. And yes, he is 100% BOY!

We love our active boy!



lee lee said...

heh, heh. Well, a "B" is still a good grade, after all! It is a cute photo, no?

The Bergs said...

Having been a "B" student in High School I can deal with the occasional "B" day from my son. Especially since he's normally an "A+" kid!
