Sunday, October 26, 2008

fireman riley

In addition to Connor's farm, Riley got to attend his first baby costume party this weekend. Lots of CTK kids were there and amidst the chaos, I was able to snag a few pictures:

Fireman Riley's all dressed up and ready to party!

Jos the Builder in his indestructible Carharts

Fireman Riley with baby lamb Dexter

Ladybug Cece:

Mummy Kate & Butterfly Hannah (with Princess Frankie)

Fish Corinne was a grand hostess and shared her toys with the rest of the kids:

Elephant Zac (not pictured: Elephant Zippy)

Riley (who was napless all day) was plumb tuckered out from all the fun when we left at 7p. Daddy was also tired, but for entirely different reasons. He finished putting a new floor down in our newly insulated attic so we can use it for storage. I can now get at those boxes that have been sealed up for two years...Yea for daddy!!


1 comment:

Murry said...

sounds like a busy day! we had fun seeing you at the party!:)