Wednesday, August 15, 2007

mood swings

Our friend Dagmar visited us today and though Riley wasn’t feeling up to snuff, he sure liked being held by her:

Riley’s been a bit moody the past couple of days and J & I wondered if he might be fighting a cold or something. He took four naps today (usually takes three) after getting a full 10-hr night’s sleep and still went to bed early tonight.

He’s usually very agreeable in the morning, but not today. I thought it was because I accidentally caught his skin when I was clipping one of his finger nails (bring on the mommy guilt!). He didn’t cry when it happened, but about 10 min later he slowly worked himself up into a wail. After about a half-hour of that, J binked him and began rocking him. Riley finally calmed down after 15 min or so. In fact, near the end, Riley spit his binky out and gave J a big smile like “no worries dad, just having a mood”.

I saw more of that flipping back and forth from mad to happy throughout the day. One of his happy spells was when I started playing peek-a-boo with J’s shirt, which had Riley chuckling. It’s a relief when I stumble on something that amuses him.

I’m tired after affecting the happy/goofy/sing-songy persona most of the day. Ready for bed and hopefully a better day tomorrow.


1 comment:

Robert Talbert said...

He might be fighting a cold (based on the excessive napping), but if he's anything like our Lucy, mood swings are a way of life. Lucy will go from hysterical giggling to hysterical crying to protracted time-out and back to cheerful play in the space of minutes. (It would be faster if the timeout itself weren't three minutes.) Somewhere in the average of all those moods is Lucy's real personality.

Chances are that Riley is just figuring out that he can express himself in other ways than either crying or not crying. As time passes you'll begin to see that "average", where his real personality is, so you'll be better able to put the swings in context.